Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello Again

It has almost been exactly 1 year since my last blog post. Considering the amount of threats I have received for not updating it, I am now going to try and stick with it. So much has happened in the last year. And can I just say that I am looking forward to next year, because this year has not been so great. Don't get me wrong we had a lot of ups, but the downs outweighed it for sure!

As most of you know, Lee got accepted into a nursing program and he started that in January. He is doing an incredible job, and is currently in his Maternal clinical rotation. Can I just say that he was NOT looking forward to this rotation. But come to find out, he actually enjoys it some what. I quote : " It's nice to help someone that actually wants to be in the hospital." He's learning a lot and will graduate in late spring. And where he decides to go from there for his graduate program I will let you know.
When we found out that the program was 5 days a week all day long there was a little panic moment. So we knew what we had to do. We had to say goodbye to our home. As you all know the housing market SUCKS! so we did a lease to own.

Well.........She bailed on the contract and we moved back in to our home in July. To find nothing but a dead yard, weeds as tall as my hip, holes in the wall, and my garage converted into a bedroom. The good news is that we are home where we belong and with much time and effort the house is back to normal.

Breken turned 2 in July. And because if his obsession with BIG TRUCKS we got him a truck that he could drive around the yard. However he had no idea how to work the thing until 3 weeks ago. But he loves now.

No more diapers!!! Breken was fully potty trained a few months ago. And I LOVE it!(I'm sure his teachers at school love it too) I was not looking forward to the whole potty training thing. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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